Severe MMA Podcast Premium

creating Premium Podcasts

  • 74 paid members
  • 2,321 posts

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Premium Membership
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Access to premium episodes and all additional content. 

Access to the community message board where Sean and Graeme will be popping in regularly.  

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Gold Membership
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Access to premium episodes and all additional content. 

Your question guaranteed to be answered each week on the podcast. 

One fight of your choice per month for Sean Sheehan to review on the Re-Watch podcast.

Access to the community group chat where Sean and Graeme will be popping in regularly. 

Platinum Membership
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15+ minutes of discussion on a topic of your choice AND your choice of fight for Sheehan to review on the Re-Watch per month. 

Access to premium episodes and all additional content. 

Your question guaranteed to be answered each week on the podcast. 

Access to the community message board where Sean and Graeme will be popping in regularly.  

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Severe MMA Podcast Premium

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