‘Sport Ireland’ announced as USADA’s UFC doping control in Ireland


‘Sport Ireland’ today published its Anti-Doping figures for 2015 in a report launched by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring. In it, Sport Ireland announced as a highlight of the year that they had signed up to be USADA’s UFC testing parents in Ireland.

According to the report, Sport Ireland conducted 1028 tests, including 295 blood tests in 2015 for all its sports with the Council performing 13 tests in total on UFC fighters.

Six of those tests fell under the in-competition bracket and were urine tests while five out-of-competition urine tests were taken and just two blood tests.

Minister Ring commented: “Sport Ireland has been entrusted by my Department to combat doping in Ireland and we are resolute that our fight against doping is constant, determined and ultimately successful. We in Ireland are committed to inspiring fair play in sport and protecting the rights of clean athletes and I want to send a clear message out today that doping should not be tolerated at any level”.

With MMA still not recognised as a sport officially by the body, this partnership can only be a good thing on the road for that to change.

Add to that the stellar work currently being done by the Irish Amateur Pankration Association (IAPA) around improving sanctioned events and it seems like only a matter of time before MMA is an official recognised sport in Ireland.

You can read the full report here

Hat tip – Independent

Podcaster, lead MMA writer and analyst for SevereMMA. Host of the SevereMMA podcast, out every Sunday. Economics and Mathematics graduate from UCC. Also write for Sherdog. Previously of hov-mma and fightbooth. As heard on 2FM, Red FM, Today FM and more. Follow me on twitter for updates @SeanSheehanBA and on Facebook Facebook.com/seansheehanmma

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